Tequila Arette El Gran Viejo Extra Anejo 750mL
Tequila Arette El Gran Viejo Extra Anejo 750mL
Arette Gran Clase is in our humble opinion, the best Extra Anejo Tequila money can buy. Because Tequila doesn't get better with age, it is important that Extra Anejo maintain their Agave presence and character, it is common for this category to be over done in which case the barrel in which the Tequila is aged will take over the dominant notes on the Tequila leaving a mostly sweet spirit. Tequila Arette age their Extra Anejo between 3 and 4 years and it is also a single barrel release which means only one barrel is opened at the right time in which the master distillers believer is ready to be it's best. A truly unique Tequila to be shared with those that are most special to you.
700mL | 38% ABV