Rogue Society Signature Gin 700ml
Rogue Society Signature Gin 700ml
The "difficult second album", as every musician knows, is the one that defines. It can't be a repeat of the first, it has to be an evolution where the signature that made them famous is still present, but the expression of that signature takes them in a new direction.
And so it is with Rogue Society!
The unique, New Zealand centric DNA that made rogue-society famous around the world, now contemporised, extended and re-issued.
Familiar harmonies held within modern compositions.
The song remains unchanged, but the melody is new.
Versatiity is key with this Gin. 6 botanicals. Juniper upfront, fresh coriander, with citrus and floral angelica. Creamy preserved grapefruit with a delicate Orris finish.
700mL | 37%ABV