Johnnie Walker Blue Label Legendary Eight 1L
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Legendary Eight 1L
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Legendary Eight is a smooth, mellow Scotch made using some of the rarest whiskies from across the untamed fields of Scotland, including exceptionally rare whiskies from 'ghost' distilleries. Each whisky is hand selected from eight legendary distilleries - featured on the bottle and pack - that existed when John Walker made his first steps embarking on our journey that began 200 years ago.
A small team of 12 expert whisky makers came together to create this exceptional Scotch inspired by rare whiskies from these iconic and pioneering distilleries. This new limited-edition release of Johnnie Walker Blue Label is a rare jewel crafted using Scotch from the legendary distilleries of Oban, Blair Athol, Lagavulin, Teaninich, Brora, Cambus, Port Dundas and Carsebridge.
Since John Walker first opened the doors to the public in 1820, we've never stopped in the pursuit of excellence. This passion led to the exceptional quality and depth of flavor that we now find in every drop of Johnnie Walker whisky. This rare whisky embodies 200 years of bold and passionate craft, bottled for this moment.
"It's fascinating to reflect on the idea that these famous distilleries also walked a 200-year journey and their whiskies still inspire us today. This new limited edition celebrates that shared experience and the contribution these rare whiskies continue to make to Johnnie Walker today and into tomorrow?"
- Jim Beveridge, Johnnie Walker Master Blender
The blend is rich with layers of brown sugars, soft fruit and sweet wood on the nose. These flavors evolve to reveal hints of green apple and a subtle zest; complementing the gentle peat unfolding in the background to give an overarching warming sensation.
A wonderful sweetness envelops the taste buds, through which notes of stone fruits, stewing apples and cocoa emerge.
A wisp of smoke comes through to deepen the flavor resulting in a soft and lightly peppered finish.
700mL | 43.8% ABV