Dimple 15yo Blended Whisky 1L
Dimple 15yo Blended Whisky 1L
Dimple 15 Year Old is a deluxe blended Scotch Whisky produced at the oldest surviving Scotch Whisky distillery in Scotland. First released in the early 1890's this modern and peaty whisky is just as famous for its triangular, dimpled bottle. Hundreds of years of mastering distillation perfection have led to the Dimple 15 that distinguished and glamorous whisky aficionados worldwide attest to as an unrivalled favourite.
Dimple 15 is a unique blend of meticulously handpicked 15 year old Scotch Whiskies, with the much adored Glenkinchie featuring strongly. The result is a refined and harmoniously well-balanced blend in possession of great complexity with woody aromas and a mellow palate.
43% ABV